Unveiling the Hidden Gem: Love Lake Dubai – A Tranquil Oasis in the Heart of the Desert

When Dubai comes to mind, images of towering skyscrapers, pristine beaches, and opulent shopping malls often take center stage. However, nestled amidst the grandeur of this modern metropolis lies a captivating secret – Love Lake Dubai. This artificial lake, formed by connecting two heart-shaped bodies of water, is not just a breathtaking spectacle; it’s a haven of serenity in the midst of the bustling city.

Location: Where Romance and the Desert Collide

Lake of Love Dubai is located in the Al Qudra area, about a 40-minute drive from areas such as Arabian Ranches, Jumeirah Golf Estates, and Sports City. The exact coordinates, 24.8352° N, 55.4034° E, lead to this hidden gem surrounded by the Al Salam Desert, providing a dramatic contrast to the noise and bustle of the metropolis.

Al Qudra is more than just Love Lake; it’s a mecca for natural beauty and outdoor activities. The region is a paradise for environment aficionados, with the famous Al Qudra Cycling Track covering over 80 kilometers and the stunning Al Qudra Lakes.

Entry Fee and Timings: Nature’s Unpriced Gift

Unlike many other attractions, Love Lake Dubai does not charge an admission fee. It demonstrates Dubai’s commitment to making accessible places for everyone to enjoy. Love Lake welcomes you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether you’re an early riser fascinated by the sunrise or a stargazer enchanted by the night sky.

Things to Do: Enjoy Nature’s Blessings

  • Photography: Capture the breathtaking scenery, the heart-shaped lake, and the peaceful walkways.
  • Camping: Unplug from the digital world by immersing yourself in the starry night sky.
  • Picnicking: Spend quality time with family and friends in designated picnic spaces complete with tables and benches.
  • Sunset Observation: Find a comfortable position and watch the beautiful sunset reflect on the water.
  • Running or Jogging: Stay fit while taking in the scenery on the jogging track that circles Love Lake.
  • Wildlife Observation: Connect with the watery delights by observing colorful fish and elegant swans.


From November to April is the best time to visit.

While Love Lake is beautiful all year, the months of November to April provide the best weather. Choose weekdays and early mornings for a more peaceful experience.

Nearby Restaurants: Culinary Delights Await

Despite the absence of neighboring eateries, Last Exit Al Qudra and Hidden Cafe provide delectable eating experiences within a fair distance.


Love Lake Dubai provides a memorable experience, whether it’s a romantic escapade, a family picnic, or a tranquil lonely retreat. While some food planning is required, the beauty of Love Lake’s environs makes every effort worthwhile. So pack your things, put on your walking shoes, and immerse yourself in the serenity and beauty of Love Lake – a hidden gem just waiting to be discovered.

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